there could be some small differences then my explanation but for the most part that's how the indigo compassion rings work. anyway, i have not read every comic or story with indigo lantern's i only know the gist of them and how they work for the most part. They switched to the episode style As they were developing Halls of power 3, and WOL 3, so we didn't get the propper expansions sadly, hopefully in the future they can give us a Lantern DLC that is like legion, thanagar, or Themyscrya, they started doing some amazing areas, oh yea and the World war 1 area, that was awesome. the ring has not been explored as much as it should have been so far, or used in this game yet, there are a bunch of awesome things and storylines they could do with this that would have been way better then the mist, "i liked the mist don't get me wrong" but the indigo ring alone offers so much more then the 1 episode that was suppose to be a huge 3rd DLC of War of the light 3, but we got gipped on that one, by getting that small 25% completed section of mist metropolis, the operation/raid, with 1 or 2 not very appealing dailies in that black lantern area of metropolis mist, that does not have a daily replay value like WOL2 and WOL1 had so much to explore and do.
White lantern ring plus#
she helps hal jordan, while fighting something, Saint walker shows up, indigo 1 would effectively have similar powers to hal jordan, plus her innate abilities. When say, indigo 1, goes to battle to help hal jordan, she would be powered up with willpower thx to her ring, and there is no cap on how many different rings or emotions can influence them, i know they are not only influenced by other rings, but by there enemies, and just regular beings around them.

and the indigo lanterns were given these rings to experience emotions to empower them more for the better and give them focus. "i know Vampires" "but im a fan" once they are turned/ wearing the rings, every emotion is heightened, but vampires can turn there emotions off. ” indigo lanterns were created for a race, and other beings that had no compassion or feelings for others, shoot i don't think the original indigo 1 had any emotions, so the indigo battery and rings, gave indigo 1 and monk, along with any one else that was "i believe forced to have the rings" i am not sure why they were given the rings, but what they do is, feed off of the emotions around them, intensifying the emotion, so almost like the vampires from Vampire diaries, true blood hehe. Red plasma eats away at constructs of green, violet, and yellow.

↑ “ Blue weakens yellow while also boosting green Blue can also calm the madness of red and orange. Because of how strong the love in her heart was for her family and her world now she is stuck in the past that may never have a future if she doesn't step up and help. Her ability to control water comes from her father whom was an atlantean and her mother whom was a Star Sapphire but both had died in her time against the anti-monitor when she was only 16 and her mothers ring chosed her to become a Star Sapphire. So until she can find away to power her ring back up she will have to fall back onto her ability to control water. But until then i'll just role play her as a star sapphire whose ring lost it's power due to something interfering with all the lantern rings after she fell out of a time worm whole and ended up in the time of her great grand mother Carrol Ferris. I have a star sapphire make shift character with the powers of water because of 1: healing and 2: the constructs but i would like to have the violet ring power of the star sapphires so this away i can see the ring glow as well. So why not make it official and make it possible to make all 9 lantern powers to be selected from in the character creator screen. After all they already have all 9 lantern emblems in the game also along with 8 out of the 9 lantern style sets as well. The black lanterns while pretty much when they kill someone they use their powers to resurrect them and in the process it turns them into black lanterns so they'd be like that of a healer for the villains side. Because while the indigo lanterns are neutral and would be a healer the same could be said for the violet lanterns a.k.a the star sapphires due to their emotion of love they would be good healers as well for the hero faction. but also have blue (hope), orange (greed), violet (love), indigo (compassion), black (death) and white (life) lantern ring powers being available to choose from or atleast change the color of the rings.

Personally I would like to see all the lantern power rings not just select green (will), yellow (fear) or red (rage).